Know Why  Rs. 500 Crore Lost in Just One Minute of Supertech Twin Tower Demolition

Know Why  Rs. 500 Crore Lost in Just One Minute of Supertech Twin Tower Demolition

 Apex and Ceyane, nearly 100-meter tall, 40-storey towers demolished as per the Supreme Court Orders.

 The built-up area of both towers was around 8 lac square ft.

The 3700kg of explosive used to demolish these 100-meter-tall buildings.

80,000 tonnes of debris of twin towers produced, which to be clean in 3 month by Ramky Group.

It cost nearly Rs.20 Crore to demolish these both buildings.

The Edifice Engineering Company did this task safely.

Supertech also paying the 100 Crore as a premium amount for insurance cover

There were 900 apartments in both towers which have estimated current value of Rs 700 Crore.

The Supreme Court also ordered to Supertech to refund all amount with 12% interest from the time of booking

 2 Crore also be paid to Resident Welfare Association as per order of the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court found their construction on the Emerald Court society premises in violation of norms.

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